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Our Solutions 2024-03-28T16:24:07+00:00

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Moatel Communications Limited offer solutions in business networks to transmit, manage and prioritize increasing amounts of complex voice, video and data traffic at broadband speeds, moving data to and from the desktop and throughout the enterprise.

The Enterprise Network is the essence of the business world. The key requirements for enterprise networks: availability, performance, scalability, and security. The requirements of an enterprise network can be stringent since critical applications need to be accessible at all times, e-mails need to get through, phone networks need to operate at all times, while providing enough bandwidth for all critical and non-critical applications in the organization. Security is a very key element in an enterprise network as well. The network should protect the data within the network while keeping unwelcome traffic from external sources. At the same time, the network should be protected from virus attacks and other unwarranted issues like hacking, intellectual property theft, etc.

Moatel builds Enterprise Networks to support business-critical applications and their attendant computing resources such as mainframes, servers, and server farms. We believe that enterprises would benefit from the integration and efficiency that are built into our designs.

. CSOC-As-A-Service (CSaaS)/Managed Detection & Response
. Cybersecurity Standards Implimentation
. Cybersecurity Risk Assessment and Management
. Cybersecurity Audit & GAP Analysis
. Cybersecurity Training & Awareness
. Cybersecurity Penetration Testing & Red Teaming
. Cloud Security
. DevSeOps
. Data Loss Protection (DLP)

Security awareness training is the process of educating people to understand, identify, and avoid cyber threats. The ultimate goal is to prevent or mitigate harm—to both the organization and its stakeholders—and reduce human cyber risk.

No matter how much spent on security, some malicious emails, files, websites and even phone calls still occurs. When this happens, the fate of the organization is in the hands of the end user, hence the need for appropriate and periodic Cyber Security Training & Awareness.

Moatel offers comprehensive Cyber Security Training & Awareness solutions, including:

· Classroom-based training program

In this awareness training people step away from the day job while an instructor leads them through various security topics.

· Visual aids

Visual aids aim to influence cyber security behavior through the use posters to handouts to videos, all of which can cover a range of topics, from password security to phishing scams.

· Through phishing simulations

The popular way to test people’s response to cyber threat is via a simulation.

· Computer-based training

Online training can take many forms, from text to audio, video and quizzes.

Our Cyber security Gap Analysis Services involve of the evaluation of the current cyber security practices in an organization against the applicable international or local standards and best practices. This aids in identifying the gaps in the current cyber security policies and procedures which can subsequently be used in developing mitigation plans and implementing new procedures.

Irrespective of the country, region, laws, regulations, industry, and the objectives defined by the organization, we can incorporate different known local and global frameworks and/or develop a specific cyber security framework tailored to the needs of your organization.

The Cyber security Gap Analysis may reveal, depending on the current position of the organization, any number of vulnerabilities in the cyber security practices and procedures. These vulnerabilities will need to be resolved in order to allow the organization to be better prepared against possible cyber security threats.

The cyber security vulnerabilities identified during the Cyber security Gap Analysis will be duly analyzed, classified and incorporated into a “Cyber security Gap Analysis Report” which can be referred to in other subsequent activities.

It is important to put cyber security risk into context, starting from the likelihood of a breach, and ending with the assessment and deductions from the impact.

In assessing cybersecurity risk, we adopt a proven standard methodology first by estimating the likelihood of an organization’s exposure to a breach or a successful attack by threats or bad actors through the ecploitation of vulnerabilities.

We also take into cnsideration the extent of the effort required to protect the underlying assests by estimating their values in order to justify an appropriate investment required for cyber defense.

Our approach is to take an holistic view of cyber security governance, risk, and compliance. This allows us to identify the inter-dependencies between the critical components.

The effects of a threat to the technological platform, the vulnerability exploited, or the materialization of a consequence for non-compliance or risk and consequently the impact on the business.

In order to fully mitigate the primary cost of a breach which includes financial and computational damage as well as breach of privacy, we focus on the following:

. Cyber security Risk Communication and Integration
. Risk Management Communication
. Integration with Other Risk Management Programs

Metro Area Network (MAN) is a fast growing sector of the telecommunications industry providing a bridge between traditional enterprise networks (LAN) and the core network. The ubiquity of Ethernet in the LAN makes it a very key element of the Metro space. Service providers in the MAN are multiplexing data with DWDM or encapsulating it in SONET and multiplexing it with DWDM services. Ethernet and Multi-Service Platforms are key elements in the MAN.

For Metro Equipment vendors, Ethernet is a Key Growth Opportunity:

· Enterprise customers and carriers benefit from the simplicity and low price points of Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet
· As part of a multi-service network, Ethernet can be combined with other high-revenue services without staking entire business model:
· Traditional voice and private line
· ATM transport
· Optical services (OC-3/12/48)

Multi-Service Platforms:

· Low-cost SONET components are enabling the innovation of new, high-density, data-savvy architectures
· Smooth, low-risk & affordable evolution from TDM to packet services and infrastructures
· Maximized return on existing capital by building on current-day standards and operations practices
· Increased revenue opportunities by adding new Ethernet services
· Simplified metropolitan networks with multi-layer and multi-service convergence

Relative network cost savings compared to parallel Ethernet and TDM transport networks